Feed Products

Horse Feed

Ingredients: Corn chops, whole oats, corn gluten pellets, soyhull pellets and dry molasses

15% Protein, 4% Fat, 15% Fiber

Third Mix

Ingredients: Distillers grain meal, soyhull pellets and corn chops

13% Protein, 20% Fiber, 3% Fat

Econo Mix

Ingredients: Corn gluten pellets, soyhull pellets, corn chops

13% Protein, 13% Fiber, 3% Fat

Commodity Mix

Ingredients: Distillers grain meal, soyhull pellets, corn chops

12% Protein, 20% Fiber, 2.5% Fat

Lay Mash & Hen Scratch

Lay Mash Ingredients: Distillers grain meal, ground corn,  soybean meal, vitamins and minerals

Lay Mash: 13% Protein, 2.5% Fat, 5% Fiber

Hen Scratch Ingredients: Corn chops, milo, wheat

Hen Scratch: 8% Protein, 2.5% Fat, 5% Fiber

Double Mix & Fair Pig

Double Mix Ingredients: Ground corn, distillers grain meal, soybean meal

Double Mix: 13% Protein

Fair Pig Ingredients: Ground corn, soybean meal, vitamins and minerals

Fair Pig: 18% Protein